X-ray Pulsar-based Navigation
Theory and ApplicationsThis book discusses autonomous spacecraft navigation based on X-ray pulsars, analyzing how to process X-ray pulsar signals, how to simulate them, and how to estimate the pulse’s time of arrival based on epoch folding. In turn, the book presents a range of X-ray pulsar-based spacecraft positioning/time-keeping/attitude determination methods. It also describes the error transmission mechanism of the X-ray pulsar-based navigation system and its corresponding compensation methods. Further, the book introduces readers to navigation based on multiple measurement information fusion, such as X-ray pulsar/traditional celestial body integrated navigation and X-ray pulsar/INS integrated navigation. As such, it offers readers extensive information on both the theory and applications of X-ray pulsar-based navigation, and reflects the latest developments in China and abroad. ISBN: 9789811532924, 9811532923
X-ray Pulsar-based Navigation Theory and Applications Ebook (sacbook.shop)
Wei Zheng; Yidi Wang
Category: 2020
Tag: sacbook.shop