Multi-Agent-Based Simulation XXIII
23rd International Workshop, MABS 2022, Virtual Event, May 8’9, 2022, Revised Selected PapersThis book constitutes the thoroughly refereed and revised selected papers from the 22nd International Workshop on Multi-Agent-Based Simulation, MABS 2022, which took place virtually during May 8’9, 2022. The conference was originally planned to take place in Auckland, New Zealand, but had to change to an online format due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The 11 papers included in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 17 submissions. They focus on finding efficient solutions to model complex social systems, in areas such as economics, management, organisational and social sciences in general. ISBN: 9783031229466, 3031229460
Multi-Agent-Based Simulation XXIII 23rd International Workshop, MABS 2022, Virtual Event, May 8’9, 2022, Revised Selected Papers Ebook (
Category: 2023