Magical Thinking in Severe Grief Reactions
Theoretical Foundations and New Insights from a Grounded Theory Expert StudyChristian L’nneker systematically explores the phenomenon of magical thinking in the context of severe grief reactions focusing on intrusive forms reported by bereaved individuals seeking professional support. The author succeeds in proposing a comprehensive definition of magical thinking and a rationale for its association with grief based on various disciplines, such as psychology, anthropology, and the cognitive science of religion. Within the scope of a grounded theory study, case reports comprise themes like bringing the deceased back to life, the magical efficacy of religious rituals, and attempts to ward off harmful influences of the dead. ISBN: 9783658250010, 3658250011
Magical Thinking in Severe Grief Reactions Theoretical Foundations and New Insights from a Grounded Theory Expert Study Ebook (
Christian L’nneker
Category: 2018