Many Faces, One Voice
Secrets from The Anonymous PeopleMany Faces, One Voice is a must-read companion book to the award-winning film The Anonymous People. Together with the film, this collection of insights, illuminated by vibrant faces and voices of recovery, takes the reader along a journey of individual growth and, potentially, to world change.A vital record of the lives and testimony of brave people who have come out of the shadows of anonymity to fight stigma and discrimination’people who now publicly advocate for the 23 million Americans suffering with addiction. Their inspiring stories, told in intimate detail, are essential to understanding the success, the hope, and the power of recovery.Bud Mikhitarian is an award-winning filmmaker and the producer of The Anonymous People film.Greg Williams is the director of The Anonymous People. ISBN: 9781937612931, 1937612937
Many Faces, One Voice Secrets from The Anonymous People Ebook (
Bud Mikhitarian
Category: 2015