Mathematical Creativity and Mathematical Giftedness
Enhancing Creative Capacities in Mathematically Promising StudentsThis book discusses the relationships between mathematical creativity and mathematical giftedness. It gathers the results of a literature review comprising all papers addressing mathematical creativity and giftedness presented at the International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME) conferences since 2000. How can mathematical creativity contribute to children’s balanced development’ What are the characteristics of mathematical giftedness in early ages’ What about these characteristics at university level’ What teaching strategies can enhance creative learning’ How can young children’s mathematical promise be preserved and cultivated, preparing them for a variety of professions’ These are some of the questions addressed by this book. The book offers, among others: analyses of substantial learning environments that promote creativity in mathematics lessons; discussions of a variety of strategies for posing and solving problems; investigations of students’ progress throughout their schooling; and examinations of technological tools and virtual resources meant to enhance learning with understanding. Multiple perspectives in the interdisciplinary fields of mathematical creativity and giftedness are developed to offer a springboard for further research. The theoretical and empirical studies included in the book offer a valuable resource for researchers, as well as for teachers of gifted students in specialized or inclusive settings, at various levels of education. ISBN: 9783319731551, 3319731556
Mathematical Creativity and Mathematical Giftedness Enhancing Creative Capacities in Mathematically Promising Students Ebook (
Category: 2018