Mosby’s Fundamentals of Therapeutic MassageSuccess in massage therapy begins with a solid foundation in the fundamentals! Mosby’s Fundamentals of Therapeutic Massage, 6th Edition helps you build the skills you need, from assessing problems and planning treatment to mastering massage techniques and complementary bodywork. Case studies bring concepts to life, and guidelines to professionalism include topics such as ethics, legal issues, and best business practices. ‘How-to’ videos on an Evolve companion website demonstrate manipulation techniques, body mechanics, positioning and draping, and more. If you want to prepare for certification exams and succeed in practice, this resource from massage therapy expert Sandy Fritz is your text of choice. ISBN: 9780323353748, 0323353746
Mosby’s Fundamentals of Therapeutic Massage 6th Edition Ebook (
Sandy Fritz, BS, MS, NCTMB
Category: 2017;2017