The Lonely Quest
Constructing the Self in the Twenty-First Century United StatesToday the United States is a country divided along lines of gender, economic inequality, educational level, and political affiliation. Democrats typically select a different range of matters of serious public concern compared to Republicans. Many Americans describe difficulty in coming to terms with the demands placed on them in their work, communities, and personal lives and achieving satisfaction. The institutional crises that pervade our politics, economy, educational systems, and communities have inspired a contemporary crisis: a widespread inability for many to live as integrated, effective selves in the twenty-first century United States. Drawing on a wide range of historical and contemporary research, The Lonely Quest explores the dilemma of constructing the self in the U.S. today. ISBN: 9781138049598, 113804959X
The Lonely Quest 1st Edition Constructing the Self in the Twenty-First Century United States Ebook (
Robert C. Hauhart
Category: 2018