Women Leading Education Across the Continents
Finding and Harnessing the Joy in LeadershipWomen Leading Education Across the Continents: Harnessing the Joy in Leadership is the fifth collection of research from scholars around the globe who seek to understand the successes, challenges and progress of girls and women leading in education. Using a variety of approaches to their inquiries, the scholars and practitioners in this book discover and document the work of women leaders throughout the world, seeking to understand in more nuanced ways how to chart a path for a more just society for all. This volume explores the status of women in educational leadership internationally, the factors that affect their leadership, their personal experiences and stories, and their work within the broader context of human rights. The journey of discovery in these pages invites titiro whakamua’looking toward a world for the good of all people. ISBN: 9781475840704, 1475840705
Women Leading Education Across the Continents Finding and Harnessing the Joy in Leadership Ebook (sacbook.shop)
Rachel McNae
Category: 2018
Tag: sacbook.shop