Working with the American Community Survey in R
A Guide to Using the acs PackageThis book serves as a hands-on guide to the “acs” R package for demographers, planners, and other researchers who work with American Community Survey (ACS) data. It gathers the most common problems associated with using ACS data and implements functions as a package in the R statistical programming language. The package defines a new “acs” class object (containing estimates, standard errors, and metadata for tables from the ACS) with methods to deal appropriately with common tasks (e.g., creating and combining subgroups or geographies, automatic fetching of data via the Census API, mathematical operations on estimates, tests of significance, plots of confidence intervals). ISBN: 9783319457710, 3319457713
Working with the American Community Survey in R A Guide to Using the acs Package Ebook (
Ezra Haber Glenn
Category: 2016