X-Ray Imaging Systems for Biomedical Engineering Technology
An Essential GuideThis book addresses X-Ray Imaging Systems intended for biomedical engineering technology students and practitioners, and deals with the major technical components of x-ray imaging modalities. These modalities include film-based imaging, digital radiography, and computed tomography. Furthermore, principles and concepts essential to the understanding of how these modalities function will be described. These include fundamental radiation physics, imaging informatics, quality control, and radiation protection considerations. X-Ray Imaging Systems for Biomedical Engineering Technology: An Essential Guide is intended for biomedical engineering technologists, who provide technical advice and services relating to digital radiography and CT departments not only in hospitals but in private facilities as well. Students in radiological technology programs may also find this to be a useful resource. ISBN: 9783031462658, 3031462653
X-Ray Imaging Systems for Biomedical Engineering Technology An Essential Guide Ebook (sacbook.shop)
Euclid Seeram
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