Yanzhuang Meteorite: Mineralogy and Shock MetamorphismThis book investigates the mineralogy and shock effects of Yanzhuang chondrite, using modern micro-mineralogical experimental techniques, including SEM, TEM, EPMA, Raman microprobe spectroscopy, instrumental neutron activation analysis, X-ray micro-diffraction analysis, micro-PIXE analysis and laser ablation ICP-MS. The micro-structural and micro-morphological characteristics as well as chemical composition of minerals were studied in details. Based on the studies in the shock effects of rocks and minerals, and the detailed study in the shock-produced melt, the book concludes that Yanzhuang chondrite is the most heavily shocked ordinary H group chondrite ever found and that it contains the most abundant shock induced melt among all known shock-melt-bearing chondritic meteorites. ISBN: 9789811507342, 9811507341
Yanzhuang Meteorite: Mineralogy and Shock Metamorphism Ebook (sacbook.shop)
Xiande Xie; Ming Chen
Category: 2020
Tag: sacbook.shop